Saxapahaw, NC

The Flower of Carolina


Our Native Nursery

Here is our Current Inventory & Growing On list: Google Sheet (updated 1/21/25)

Our mission at Flower of Carolina is to help create and recreate as much native habitat as possible. Habitat loss is one of the defining issues of our time. Creating and sustaining livable ecosystems for all of the creatures we share a world with, and that we as people need to survive, is our passion. 

The great thing is, you don’t need acres of land to create just a small pocket of life. Do what you can within your means, and the payoff of seeing your first caterpillar or butterfly will make it all worth it. If you don’t have any space to garden in, I encourage you to look to local organizations who work with invasive species removal, native plant management, or your local watershed management organization. There are many ways to get involved!

We currently grow over 200 species of native flowers, shrubs, trees, grasses and sedges. The vast majority of our plants are grown from seed and we try to source local seed whenever possible. We have clear labeling that lets you know where the plant originates from, its native range in North Carolina, and if it was seed grown or asexually propagated. Because we grow mainly from seed, without greenhouses, the majority of our inventory is ready in the fall. We source approximately 20% of our plant material from other reputable growers.

We strive to meet our mission in as sustainable a way as possible. In general, the nursery industry is known for an excess in waste from plastic pots, chemical overuse, and the use of unsustainable potting materials like peat moss.

We aren’t perfect here, but we are striving every day to be better. Practices we keep are:

-Prioritize collecting and sourcing local ecotype seeds and plants

-Grow from seed, not cuttings whenever possible

-Peat free potting soil

-Accepting, reusing, and general scavenging of used nursery pots and trays

-Selling plugs, pot free

-No polymer coated fertilizer (osmocote like products)

-Using almost exclusively used packing and shipping material for our online orders

Insects and the other living creatures that we share space with are what drives us to grow and promote native plants. Native plants are an essential part of a healthy ecosystem and we take great pride in every single plant that makes it out into someone's garden. We love helping you choose the right plant for the right place. Please feel free to reach out to us with any plant (or insect!) questions you may have.


In person shopping is available by appointment (Retail location coming to Saxapahaw 2024!).
Email us at
You can contact us directly to purchase, or Shop Available Plants Online Now! 
We can now ship live native plants. See our shipping policy here.

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